The Top 10 Tech Blogs to Follow in 2020
Blogs can be a great resource if you’re looking for the latest technology news. They also feature interviews with leaders in the industry, news from industry events, and other unique insights that will help you keep up-to-date on everything tech.
The number of tech blogs is endless. And are some of the best tech blogs you can follow in 2020.
Engadget has the latest tech news, reviews, and more. Engadget is a blog that covers technology, games, and entertainment. It’s updated constantly throughout the day. Engadget offers comprehensive insight into tech topics you will only get here.
The Verge
The Verge is an excellent blog for anyone wanting to know more about mainstream technology and its global impact. This blog covers consumer tech, cybersecurity, artificial Intelligence (AI), and other technologies that are changing how people connect.
TechCrunch is a leading source of startup and tech news. This blog allows you to keep up-to-date on the latest tech news, including companies that may be about to change the world.
GeekWire is a news blog covering a wide range of topics – from the geek culture to tech giants such as Microsoft and Amazon. GeekWire also offers free podcasts to explore the latest technology news.
Computerworld is a magazine focusing on key IT areas like desktop, mobile, and web applications. It offers tips to help IT managers improve client systems and engage employees through collaboration platforms.
InformationWeek explores the importance of technology in the digital age. The blog was created to engage the technology community and to encourage community members to collaborate to evaluate and solve tech issues.
AppleInsider provides the latest Mac rumors and news. This blog will inform you about Apple’s latest releases and updates on the iPhone, iPad, and other Apple products. The blog also offers extensive guides that help you decide which Apple product is best for you.
Android Central
AppleInsider focuses exclusively on Apple products. Android Central is a site dedicated to Android devices. Android Central will keep you up to date on the latest Android gadgets, gizmos, and accessories so that you can choose which Android product is right for you.
BGR provides tech news and commentary. This blog is the leading source for breaking mobile technology news and is designed to appeal to tech experts and novices.
Digital Trends
Digital Trends offers in-depth product reviews and tech news. The blog offers sneak peeks at upcoming releases of tech and editorials, which provide a unique look at different tech trends.