Marketing Operations: The Key to Streamlining Silos & Getting Growth

Although businesses have traditionally kept their departments apart, larger companies tend to do so. However, many departments can work more efficiently when they are all merged. Every department in your company should work towards the same overall business goals. It is easier to work effectively together with the help of technology and processes.

As an example, let’s look at marketing and sales. There has always been a distinct division between the two departments, despite lead generation and website traffic being crucial success factors for both business functions. However, technology is a driving force in modern business. Technology can also be used to bring together departments.

Because of its direct impact on businesses ability to achieve tangible and measurable ROI, marketing operations has become a rapidly growing field. It organizes your strategy and business processes using technology. Efficient marketing operations are vital in achieving your core objectives and synergizing the business.

Marketing Department Fragmentation

While inter-departmental fragmentation has been discussed a lot, intra-departmental silos tend to be overlooked. For example, there may be more discord and separation within your marketing department. Marketing functions can operate independently, with little connection to the strategy. Data may be mishandled or stored in different locations and formats. Lack of communication is also critical in maintaining a connected department.

These fragmented processes can be brought together with technology. Although the goals of your marketing department might differ, they can all be centralized. Marketing technologies are critical to this process, and it is essential that you fully understand their importance. More than 4,000 companies have invested in marketing technology. This is a rapidly growing industry that all businesses can profit from.

Centralising Marketing Goals

Your marketing department’s goals will vary from one process to the next, but sales are the ultimate goal. Your marketing department will likely focus on strategies that increase and enhance these outcomes.

Brand Awareness

Lead generation

Building customer relationships

Leadership through thought

Traffic targets

These goals are closely linked, yet large companies often keep them apart. This can lead to a decrease in strategy effectiveness. Many skills and processes can be used to achieve your marketing goals, including content and social media. Technology can help you streamline your marketing operations and make them more efficient. This partnership delivers results. A study showed that marketing automation could increase qualified leads by 451% to engage and nurture prospects. This is an excellent example of how technology can be used strategically.

Marketing operations can be supported by technology.

Marketing tech is an essential skill for senior marketers in the United States. 63% of European marketers agree that it is. It is also a powerful tool for managing and delivering marketing operations processes. 78% and 63% of US marketers are convinced. Marketing operations are the glue that keeps your strategy and technology connected. A streamlined marketing strategy allows data to be pooled and intelligently used, eliminating the fragmentation caused by different technologies.

Marketing operations involve integrating the processes and systems within a company, eliminating silos, and creating a cohesive unit. Operations are responsible for managing the processes and running the automated systems that generate the leads you need.

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